Dora takes Europe

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Okay so in about 8 hours I will be starting my new adventure, I know I should be sleeping but I'm determined to actually blog about this exciting excursion and not miss anything out. So instead I'll give you the full low down on where I'm off to! Actually the image below pretty much does that all for me, so you can see each place I'll be visiting on my Euro Trip and the amount of time I'm spending in each :)

For me, control freak and organisation fanatic, I've actually been pretty chilled about the whole thing! And for once (probably the first time ever) I haven't actually planned everything down to the T, in fact, I've barely planned anything at all! This may also be down to my constant problem of being last minute liv! Thinking about the trip now I'm pretty excited, but I also know I still need to shift 1KG off my suitcase (somehow) in the morning and I just don't know HOW I'm possibly going to do it! Like literally there is nothing else that I can take out (maybe some shoes but I might need them!). My first weigh in came to 27KG, then the next was 24KG and now we are down to 21KG, except my hand luggage has got considerably more full and my sleeping bag and pillow are neither in a bag anymore and just attached to the side of my duffel bag! I'm sure I'll regret all of this while I'm in sweltering heat and lugging my case up stairs while some Parisians look at the stupid British girl looking like a tomato and panting in the heat...but for now at least I know I'll look nice with all the clothes that are cluttering the case!

So, starting tomorrow morning, for 5 weeks / 37 days I shall be off on my first ever real travelling adventure with a group of homies I haven't even met yet! Absolutely mental right?! I'm a little bit concerned, like what if none of them like me and think I'm a weirdo! I feel a little bit like I'm about to start my first day of year 7 and I'm scared of making no mates...Oh well I'll let you know how that goes down.

But for now I'm packed (just about)! I have my polaroid and journal to (hopefully) keep up to date with all the illicit details of my trip. And I'm going to try my hardest to keep blogging about it too! You'll have to forgive me if my layout isn't up to its usual standard, as I'll probably be doing so from my phone...and believe me, blogging is a completely different ball game when you change the device from 15 inches to about 2! All the same it will still be old Dora filling you in with failing wit and charm ;)

See you on the other side of the ocean readers...Next stop PARIS!!
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