Valentines Essentials

For some of you the build up of Valentines is getting you all giddy, with an uncontrollable amount of butterflies in your tummy. For others you're planning how you can get royally smashed with your friends and forget all about the damn day, and for some its a bit different but the majority stays the same...yes, its Valentines day!

So this year I'm guilty of being in with the first lot, BUZZING for Val's Day! Being away from my boyfriend at Uni makes it all the more special!

If you're still looking for some gift ideas head over to The Lovecats Inc for some inspiration: CLICK HERE

So what are my essentials for valentines day, well black lace is always a must! You cannot go wrong (although I'm not giving away what it is). La Senza seems to have decent pricing, and when you get past the gross diamontes and bright pink against black look, they can have some decent stuff!

Topshop lipstick in a mixture of pinks, depending on the occasion and pink nail varnish with a Matte finish to add something a little extra.

The usual makeup routine, Mac foundation, Maxfactor Masterpiece mascara, Benefit Brows and Blusher and Baarry M eyeliner.

Me being the little quirk I am will always need a scrunchy no matter what the weather, so I've gone for my purple one! :)

And finally, THE CARD!
I have no idea why card factories STILL go on making the smooshiest cards which just make you want to vomit! I LOVE YOU FOREVER AFTER, YOUR MY SOUL MATE AND BEST FRIEND . .. . blah blah blah! BORE OFF!
I managed to find quite a cute and funny one in a little boutique shop at home, so thank god I've got that bit sorted!

Maybe you've got a romantic weekend away, maybe its just dinner, or maybe you're doing a bridget jones and stocking up on the ben & jerries, but whatever you're up to this Valentines day, remember that even if prince charming isn't there yet, you're still loved - and its a time to celebrate that :)

So a little note to the boy for when he reads this :) i love you

O x
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