Nasty Piece of Work

Okay bloggers, so I'm sorry this post is going to have a bit of negativity within it but I think its an important lesson that you should all know!

As you have seen, I use my blog as a site to sell my clothes, not always because I don't want them, but because I'm a fashion student that has to pay for food, travel, art materials and all printing costs for my portfolio. Loans don't always cover this kind of thing. Like everyone, no one wants to go to their parents for money so thats why I do it. 
I'm a trusting person and trust that if you're reading my blog and say you want something from it you will follow through our deal and pay me for it at the end. So i don't overcharge people for postage I wrap the clothes up, post them and bill the recipients after, trusting that despite the fact the package had been posted, they will still pay me. I've sold over 100 things and had no problem till now.
Other than the fact that I will no longer be doing this, i will be reinforcing payment now before postage, if I sell online again. I never realised how malicious some people can be. 

I guess especially to a blogger, because we put our whole world out there and trust that people will appreciate it rather than take advantage and lower our confidence. Yes we aren't best friends with everyone but it doesn't make it right for them to then take advantage of the fact you post your life online.

So now I've lost money because someone thought it payback to ask for clothing and shoes and not pay for them once I posted them (and we aren't just taking about a tenner here). Obviously it is a lesson learnt to be more careful with my blog and life, which I find sad because I like putting my trust in my readers as if they're my friends!
I don't put on an act, or someone else's voice as I talk to you all this is just me and I appreciate every single view I get everyday!

I guess this is just a note to all bloggers who may be taken advantage of, that not everyone out there will be as supportive and nice as they may seem. 
Please share this around to make others more aware :)

But for those of you who have been with me all the way and supported everything I write and comment I am really thankful and hope you carry on in the future! 

O x

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