As you will have already read in my last posts I have been branching out makeup palettes in an attempt to become more of a girl (I bet my boyfriend is happy about this!).

I've already written about how I got on with Benefit's Browzing kit, so it was now time to try out my NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil. Like most other girls NARS had definitely been creeping up in topics of conversation over the last year or so, usually about his palettes, but nevertheless I had been hearing good things. So I thought I would jump on the band wagon and give it a go too! Now I can't even apply eyeshadow anyway so buying a palette seemed a bit stupid, Im pretty content with my mascara and eyeliner and I adore my MAC foundation. So lipstick it was! And I do love to wear a bit of lippy, I feel like even if the rest of me looks shit, the lipstick makes everything seem a little less shit. 

I know you would probably expect it to be smooth, as it does state Velvet on the label, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to have experienced false advertising! Genuinely I have to give it credit, it was silky smooth and applied really nicely. It was smooth enough to not make my lips crack, but not too glossy that it got stuck to my hair all the time like lipgloss (ergh!). 

My only comment would be that, because the lead is so soft, when I accidentally put the lid on the wrong way it did dent and being the clumsy person I am, I can imagine there will be times where I find its magically got over everything I own. But until then, I'm pretty content! 

And this was the final look :) Although I look like I have a Geisha Girl thing going on, I really like the lip pencil! Its perfect for days where your outfit is doing the talking so your makeup doesn't have to. 

O x
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