London Day Out . . .

Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days, been pretty busy with Uni work due in and also sending off my UCAS and personal statement so that I can try and stat a course in fashion journalism/ communication and promotion in September 2013 (depending on how I feel). Just to clear things up, NO I HAVE NOT BEEN NAKED FOR THE PAST WEEK - My outfits just haven't been very interesting to blog. Been going for the classic university Hobo look on campus while typing and dancing away. Those of you at Uni wil know what I mean.

So today consisted of making trip to meet my Uncle at Kings Cross, a very early trip I might add.
Seeing as the weather is still bitingly cold, but yet still refuses to provide us with any snow, I was dead set that I was going to wear all the layers I could. . . despite this the cold still nipped at me, I was still freezing. Nevertheless I was loving my outfit and felt like a true Londoner (even if I'm not).

Dark Cream Coat: Topshop
B&W Cardigan: Primark
Black Bowler Hat: Topshop
B&W Collar Dress: Topshop
Black Leather Skirt: Topshop
Black Leggins: Next
Gold Chain Nacklace/Headband: Topshop

While talking to my Uncle today who is also very involved within the Fashion Industry he assured me that I can do work experience with him, Interviewing professionals and also following him around to photoshoots and music videos, then writting up the whole thing. I am very excited to start this massive leap into the Fashion world. However it is very hard to say goodbye to the Dance industry I've always known. Adding to this, photography is becoming all the more fun within my spare time! I took a trip to Richmond park this weekend and experimented with some pictures - here are some of my favourites.

Nature Excursion

Now I don't know about you but me and my flat mates just thought this was one hell of a crazy arse duck, and just could't resist not taking a snap of it!
I know these are a little off topic from what I'm wearing today, but the parker jacket and scarf I was wearing that day really weren't anything special to blog about so I did these instead!
I'll be back soon  . . .Promise!
P.S Remember to leave comments! Makes me feel loved :)

Love Livy x
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