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Hello Bloggers,

I'm pretty new to this kind of thing, but I've started this fashion blog as an outlet to invest in my passion (for fashion - I know it sounds so lame!) I'm looking for a complete fresh start in terms of career prospects and I'm hoping this fashion blog will help. As I said it's my first time, so I'm not making any promises that it will be perfect the first time over!!

but FINGERS CROSSED I will get better and my blog will get bigger :). I'd like to point out now that this blog is completely just for fun and my own personal interests, but I hope to get others interested and involved too!

Just a little taster of the types of things that I will be doing on here -

Daily (or near enough) outfits that I have put together, where the clothes are from ect or where you can find similar ones, & ideas of what you can accessorise them with

Articles on recent Trends - well my opinions of them anyway. One of my favourites is 'THE FRILLY SOCK!"

Interviews with people I know or smaller clothing lines. People that are starting out, and images of what they do & how to get in contact with them. It may also be helpful to those of you who are looking to start designing your own little bits of clothing (sometimes its easier than you think) Although I have never done it myself!

Quirkies (my own personal word) Basically just random little bits that I've come across that I've found: cute, interesting, different, fashioable and vintage bits. For example - Cafe's, Homeware, Places, Jewellery.

About me: Just little bits about me and my life incase anyone is interested, & little stories or reports on events, trips and experiences! - Its not that exciting at the moment, believe me. . . but I'm hoping in time it will become more interesting!

Appealing Pictures - just pictures & photo's that I have come across that took my interest and I wanted to share.

Thank you for taking a peek at the first stages of my blog, hopefully the next time you look there will be more on here!! I would appriciate any questions, comments, advice or just thoughts about my blog so please feel free to leave them :)

Love Livy x
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