Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you vent to someone about whatever it is getting you down, the little ball of stress in your head just won't go, and it seems like no one will understand. A good friend of mine, while in the process of my vent, remained me of a song I used to listen to ALL THE TIME! In the car having a cry/sing along, times I felt happy, times I was sad and times where that was the only thing that dissipated the little ball of fury.
For me Ben Howard will ALWAYS be my go to man! For one, he seems chilled as fuck, and two his voice makes my stress melt away (or that could be the wine) who knows! I guess what I'm getting at is, we all have that song, or artist that we listen to, that makes us feel a certain way. So next time you're about to blow your top at the person sitting next to you. Take 5 and give it a listen. I promise you'll thank me for stopping an argument that could have been :) Heres mine...
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