Reading that, you must agree, that the thought of even attempting to chill out before you reach the destination of home seems like a pretty hopeless cause. Thats where they come an ocean calm after the storm. The haunting yet beautiful voice of Hannah Reid floods my ear drums and I'm taken to the calm.
It sounds really pretentious, as if I'm some sort of hippie-free-spirit, but when there is such a strong sound in your ears, and everything else is tuned out. It feels as though your almost not in that real world with everyone, you're in your own. Like the music is the soundtrack to your life at that time (like you see in films and music videos - cumm'on I know you know what I'm talking about, we've all pretended we were in a music video once!!).
Onwards from The Grammar taking me to my calm, re-inventing my zen! I first saw them live at Parklife this year. I was standing very near the front of the stage, right in the middle, and again Hannah's voice just dominated the crowd. She didn't need to come on and jump, shout or even ask us 'how we doing today parklife'. All that was needed was the haunting tones of the first lyrics of 'Hey Now' being carried through the thousands of people like a dandelion on the wind of Spring. She set a stillness on the raving crowd and we were in captured. Drawn in by the unusual sounds she made sound like lullabies.
The next time I see London Grammar will be with sunshine above my head, sand in my toes and the sea next to me. Yes, at Unknown Festival in Croatia! I cannot wait, with that combination already being perfect, the resonance of The Grammar will just be euphoric.
I'm sure most of you have already heard and downloaded their album 'If you wait', their sound is just a bit too irresistible not to be drawn into. But if by the odd chance you haven't. Then do. I promise you'll thank me for it later! I for one, will be listening to this album on repeat (as I am while writing this) on my trains to and from work, chilling out in the sun at home, while cooking my dinner and writing my blogs for all you honey bee's to read :)
O x