Personal Style

" I love clothes, always have and always will! .

Thats the way it started off for me, just some clothes, some highstreet shops and a love for creativity and putting things together. Now whether my creativity and inspiration came from dance, my auntie (who pretty much introduced me to fashion) or I just found that I needed something to act as my armour while going to an all girls grammar school, I don't know. But I didn't start off having the mother who worked for Grazia and Daddy in the Dior head marketing department. I started off wanting good grades, good friends and something to strive for. That was never fashion related until quite recently. 

I worked hard at school (but to be honest, going to a grammar you have no choice but to!) I took all the usual GCSE's and then went on to A-level took 4 (I'm a nerd) English, History, Dance and Performing Arts, I became community captain and then went onto get into Roehampton University to study dance! Boom - No fashion involved! 
I guess throughout that time, my style adapted! I remember my trips to Manchester involving more than just my train (or plane when I was really little) fare! My Auntie Lisa was like my queen of fashion, she would trapse me round Manchester and the Trafford centre, Sale, Stockport and wherever else we went, and I LOVED every minute of it! Getting in on all the new trends that hadn't come down to Kent yet and just being inspired by it all! 

Dancing here, there, and everywhere and getting into breakdancing I guess my style created an 'add tab' to it and went from 'Latest Trend' to a bit of an Urban feel! I guess all my experiences and taste in style just kept adding tabs to my style feed to take me to where I am now. Being around all girls throughout school, I'm sure I don't need to tell you how bitchy it can be (although I have to say, I loved school! And it wasn't THAT bad!). Especially when I came into sixth form and the teachers were no longer having a go at me for never wearing shoes (odd ball!) the pressure was on even more to try and look good! (looking back I do think some of the things I wore were hideous) Nevertheless creating new outfits everyday to try and make something look different to the week I wore it before probably gave me the confidence I have now to try out new things. merge genres and styles together to create something different.

 My old flat mates at University were always saying how my style changed from day-to-day and that I didn't fit into a category, and my flat mates now are asking me to dress them and re-vamp their wardrobes. My friend the other week said I looked like something that should be in Vogue (I clearly don't, but all the same it was a nice thing to say), but juxtaposing that my flatmate said I was the only Urban Dresser she knew! A very strange mix of Urban Vogue! 

When asked about my fashion identity in a lecture I said that I didn't fit into one, that I liked to believe I was a little bit of everything, whatever took my fancy and I thought I could pull off! 
But when we were then asked who else thought they fitted into that category, or who strived to be individual at least half the class raised their hand. So maybe thats a category in itself, striving to be different. 

Now I would say there is a difference between being individual and then being a bit of everything. There is no way that I can pull off some of the things these people can...hence why they stood out to me when taking photos for my street style brief.

BUT, I am a bit of everything, so I overlap in the pie chart of stereotypes, and I'm fine with that. Im not confident enough to try and be REALLY out there (at least not yet), but I'm not one that always fits into the generic. But I'm also not one that wants to fit into anything else. 

I have a fettish for coats and trainers (and some shoes in general). I adore scarves and hats! And I have a love for all clothes from pretty much anywhere! I'm still trying to get to grips with the whole 'A Woman can never have too many bags' thing! because personally I just buy one and then that does me for a year or so until I see another. 

Find me a good charity shop and ill be in heaven (okay so I do love bags from charity shops, but thats different! they're always really cute and small!). I love to add a bit of vintage or the latest pair of Kicks! And then all the generic stuff really Topshop, Urban know how it goes. 

Its not what you wear, its how you wear it. 
Confidence is the best thing a girl can wear, other than a smile of course!

O x

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