Love me London Grammar

I hop on the crowded tube after when feels like the longest Monday in the world. Its not hot outside, its humid, but of course the tube makes it feel as though the sahara desert is your next destination. I can already feel the beads of sweat appearing on my neck, and I try helplessly to move my hair out of the way to cool down. But having 3 bags which are heavier than any weights I lift at the gym, makes moving at all a seriously LONG process.

Ever wondered, what if?

- 7 days wiser
Have you ever had a decision making process in your life where you feel like there are 2 completely different paths you could take. And no matter which one you finally decide to go for, you will at some point inevitably look back and think 'what if'. I am the epitome of that person, which annoys me a little as it means that no matter what decision I make, is my heart ever fully in it? If I look back and wonder what may have been different, am I happy with the choice I've made?

Weekly Lustlist

Top of the List, Topshop

topshop weekly wish list

Revive me, River Island

river island wish list

Just a short one from me today, going easy on the eyes! My wish lists from Topshop and River Island last week! As you know, I've been spending my days interning at Woman's magazine. While this is both a blessing and a curse A blessing for the incredible experience it is turning out to be, but a curse for my bank balance!

Healthy, Only for Summer?

Its mid-summer, and all that enthusiasm for getting in shape and a summer body may have hit a brick wall, at at this moment in time, its not a wall that you can really be bothered to climb. But my good friend Daisy Tait is here to give you a little boost up the wall and get you back on track again! Full with new exciting apps and methods to help you on your way. 

"So, as summer fast approached there is a sudden urge for getting the ‘bikini bod’. But really, being healthy isn’t just for a summer body – it shouldn’t be about what others think about how you look but how YOU feel. A healthy you, is a happy you – without trying to sound cringy and patronising, it’s true!
For most of us, a personal trainer or nutritionist is simple out of the question – they definitely don’t come cheap! So, for you today I have compiled a list of fitness apps, gadgets and methods (added a few top tips!) to help anyone on their way to achieving their fitness goals.

Seven (App)
This is a free app that offers an all over workout consisting of 7 minutes only (Although you can add more circuits)! The app tracks your activity, encouraging you to complete it daily in order to not lose a life and ruin your streak! There are challenges set and awards to be achieved to keep up your motivation. However, although the all over body workout comes free, the rest (including fat burn, core strength and cardio cost £1.49 each!)

TIP – Exercise in the morning before breakfast if you can, it’s more effective for fat burning, pushes away those hunger pains and then it’s DONE – you can get on with the rest of your day guilt free!

Breville Blend Active Personal Blender
Because who doesn’t love a smoothie? Especially when the container you use to drink out of becomes the blender? It’s quick and easy and involves minimal washing up. It also comes with a few delicious recipes!

TIP – Drink water when you feel hungry before you reach for the crisps – a lot of the time you mistake being thirsty for hunger pains.
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