It's rare that I ever do posts like these, but as I sit here in the garden in my delerious state (hay fever drugs are knocking me out!). I thought I'd do a little post on my current health kick (not that it will last for long). So a couple of months ago my good friend Georgie pointed me in the direction of Herbalife, she advised me to get these shakes that count as a healthy meal and then multivitamins and fibre tables to go alongside them. I'm usually quite skeptical about things like this, but I'd already seen that they'd worked for her (although she has more disapline than I!!). After doing the shakes twice a day for a week I was DONE! I was hungry, tired and craved pasta every second! But since I've been home and away from Uni, no more work and deadlines, I can relax! With my past month or so consisting of the gym quite regularly, I thought I'd try and start up on my shakes again and see how far I can get! My aim is to do it for about a month as best I can, but I'm still going to live alongside it, not be too overly strict with it! So I'm on day 3 and I'm feeling okay! A little bit light headed (but I think that's from all the hay fever drugs). I'm a bit if a foodie, so I have decided to put in place some rules in place so that I can have something to eat other than just dinner!
So instead of just having the shake alone with milk, my friend Gwyn (soon to be a fellow blogger!) have me a tip that blending the powder with half a banana made it taste so much better. So I did and it really was! Plus it meant I was getting more goodness into my system too. It does require that you use semi skimmed milk, however milk and I don't agree, so I opt for either soya, almond or hazelnut milk instead! I blended it all together and VOILÀ! Breakfast was served! I do this same process again for lunch and allow myself to have nuts and fruit as snacks if I get a little bit peckish!
In this process I have also discovered the most delicious thing! APPLE AND PEAR GREEN TEA! Tea is always a must for me, with all my relatives being northern, putting the kettle on for a cuppa is just second nature! Unfortunately I'm trying not to drink as much, as it's very easy to live off tea to fill me up as a snack! Instead I found the perfect alternative! Green tea on its own can sometimes become a little bit of a bore, bland and green! But this apple and pear tea actually holds quite a bit of taste, as well as filling the little gap in my tummy!
As I experimented with bananas yesterday, today I switched it up again and went for strawberries and used my almond milk instead of the hazelnut, as it's sweeter and would compliment the strawberries more! Again it was pretty yummy, and I'll be doing my second one for lunch very soon!
Now, when it comes to dinner I am a little bit like the crazy squirrel from 'over the hedge', "CAN WE CALL IT STEVE!" Yeah, I, sure you know the one! I'm moody as hell and want my food as fast as possible! As I said at the beginning, I don't want to limit my summer to nice dinners out and BBQS all because of a health kick! After all, it's not something I want to live by forever!! So on my first night My dad made the silly mistake of letting me man the BBQ! Although it was yummy, it was a funny ordel to watch and panda eyes were to the extreme while I was eating my dinner! Nevertheless I had BBQ meat and salad with bits of French bread and it was beaut! I got to sit on my favourite patch of the garden and just chill...letting the stress if the world fade away!
After we ate my Pappi lit out little outside fire and I snuggled up in my chair with my duvet putting the worlds to right with some long arse chat! He enjoys a good rant just like I do! :) as much as I wish that my glass was filled with wine, unfortunately it was Elderflower Pressé, just as yummy but not as happy!
That's my post for the day! I better get on and make my lunch shake! I can feel the squirrel I'm me rising! Enjoy this beautiful Friday! :)
"Healthy Body, Healthy & Happy Mind"
O x