Raiding the Wardrobe #1

T U R K E Y   A T   B E S T

Yes I know the title does read to be a little misleading, sadly I'm not about to start talking about Christmas dinner and how amazing the turkey was (which it wasn't).

We all have those days where we are bored of our clothes:
 "I have so many clothes but nothing to wear" (this is my line everyday!)
 "I have no clothes" (when they are actually spilling out of your draws)
"everything looks horrible on me" (nope, you still look like Megan fox)

Sometimes its the occasion, and others its the weather, maybe its just the lighting in that room, but we have all had our moments, days, YEARS, when nothing we try on looks right.

This is the beauty of living in a flat with all girls (especially ones that are all completely different from each other). I have many a time delved deep into the pits of my flat-mates wardrobes to find something to wear, and today was no different.

Seeing as you always get to see and read about my clothes, I thought it would be interesting to see theirs, and their styles.

Today I introduce you to 'opposite roomie' Catherina! Shes always updating me on her style splurges and new finds, and getting back from her Easter break in her hometown of Turkey was no different, so here I am to share with you MY favourites of her buys. 

Back of top - royal blue, short sleeved with see-through mesh back in the shape of a cross.

Front of top is plain royal blue.

Shop: Mango.

Front and back views of shirt.

Shop: Ipekyol

Front and back view of shirt

Shop: Twist

Front view of shirt

Buttons located at the top of the shirt

Shop: Ipekyol

Front view of shirt

Collar of shirt

Back print of shirt

Shop: Twist

Front view of dress

Shop: Topshop

Belt: Massimo Dutti

Maxi dress: Topshop

Belt: Massimo Dutti

Front view of crop top

Shop: Topshop


Coat: Topshop

Belt: Massimo Dutti

Hat: Topshop

Glasses: Rayban

Jeans: River Island

Shoes: Russel and Bromley


Love Livy x

Outfit Montage

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W I N D Y  B U T  W A R M.

Evening you lot, firstly (this is becoming too much of a regular occurrence) I am very sorry for being away for so long! Easter break was a hectic one, but also full of decision making.

My University update is that I am off to Nottingham Trent in September to study fashion communication and promotion!! Which I am both excited and scared about, but you regular readers have been a big part of my life changing step.

Anyway . . . I've been trying to be good with taking pictures of the outfits I wear everyday so instead of boring you all with lots of writing, I'm going to give you a few pictures of the outfits that have jumped out at me from my wardrobe.

I'm also trying to make this 'outfit a day' thing a bit of a project, to see how long I can keep it up for!! It is also being featured on my instagram 'mini_monts' if you would like to follow me and keep updated with my outfits there.

N I G H T   O U T

 DRESS: Topshop


SHOES: Topshop

A F T E R    D A N C E   S H O W   O U T F I T

DRESS: Urban Outfitters

BLAZER: Topshop


S P R I N G   I S   H E R E

JACKET: Topshop

JUMPER: Topshop

SKIRT: Urban Outfitters



H I P P I E  D A Y 

SKIRT: New Look

JUMPER: Topshop


SHIRT: Forever 21 (cut up)

BELT: New Look


SKIRT: Topshop



TOP: Primark

SANDALS: Primark

JACKET: Topshop



Love Livy x

Interview with Tie Dye Queen - Sophie Davis-Evans

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Sophie Davis - Evans - Designer of Own Clothing Line.

I first heard about Sophie's new clothing designs and buisness from my Dad, as crazy as that may sound he was the one urging me to do what she was doing. However, not having the same creativity as she does I thought he was MAD. But . . .Sophie assures me that its not that hard to do.

The Basics
Name:Sophie Rose Davis - Evans
Age: 15
School: Highworth Grammar School
Interests: Photography, Playing around on the internet, & Music.
Fashion Status: Making and selling her own TIE DYE Tee's and Socks.

Like any teenage girl Sophie expressed to me that she is slowly getting more addicted to buying clothes. I can vouch for this one in saying that it only gets worse and more addictive (especially with the access to a student loan). However Sophie wasn't always so interested in the fashion scene. It was only since starting an all girls school that she started to get more interested within fashion and more concious about the clothes she wore. It shows that its not always the people that have always been 'Fashion Queens' and 'Divas' that are able to design and be creative in making their own clothing line.
Your Style
" like a bit of everything, I like vintage as well as more modern styles, I prefer mixing different things together and seeing how it looks." This style can clearly be seen in the way Sophie creates and styles what she designs.
When did the penny drop for you?
"I've always been interested in having my own business or making money for myself, so I saw making tie dye t-shirts as my best opportunity."
Starting point
TUMBLR - Sophie stated that she noticed that a lot of people on tumblr were starting to make and wear tie-dye things, so she thought 'WHY NOT'. "I decided to try and make something myself, I made a simple blue and green tie dye t-shirt which got noticed by a few of my friends who were happy to buy one if I made a few more, and it all grew from that". I don't know about you, but when I think about starting up my own clothing business and designing it all myself it seems like a massive mountain that is just impossible to climb. Not to mention when we have essays pilling on top of us that just seem to be growing taller and taller. Don't lose hope! If thats your dream, as Sophie has shown, it can start off small and just grow. It may not be as impossible as it looked . . . who knew!

Little Blips
"At the start it wasn't too tricky, because I was only making t-shirts for myself and a few friends but once I started selling them on eBay, more and more orders came in, and sometimes I didn't have the time or motivation to do them, but I still managed to keep on track (just about!)" Nothing great is ever that easy!
Best & Worst Bits
"The best bits were when I got the money and could treat myself! But also when I got feedback from them and to hear that people really liked them and where pleased was also a highlight.
The worst bits where probably staying up late at night trying to keep on top of orders."
Personally I'd rather stay up all night making tie dye tee's than getting an essay done because the deadline is the next day, mixes things up a little bit!
"Yeah I still really enjoy it now, it gives me something to do"
Sophie let me in on a little secret, and you readers will be the first to know. . .
Although at the moment she is mainly making tee's, she has just started to make some of her own socks - and everyone is a sucker for a cute pair of socks! Not only this, but she is looking to start making her own tie dye jumpers and bags! Cannot wait to try and get my hands on one of them!

Advice to those wanting to do the same
"It's really easy to get started, you just need to be motivated and have an idea of what you want to do. The best advice to give is to carry on, even if you do get fed up and to think about the perks of the outcome, but also to keep thinking of new ideas."
Ultimate goals?
"My ultimate goal is probably to carry on selling or making my own business out of, just on a bigger scale. In 4 years, I'd like to see myself at uni studying business studies or even to carry on selling more clothes possibly along with other things."
You've Got Nothing To Lose
"I just suggest that anyone who has an idea or is interested in something like this to just give it a try, because there's not a lot too lose"
For more information on Sophies Clothes or if you have any other questions you would like to ask her, her email is
You can get your hands on her quirky creative clothes here:

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